One Ambitious Doctor Tried Bringing George Washington's Dead Body Back To Life
When President George Washington died, many couldn't imagine an America without him. Here is how one ambitious doctor tried to bring Washington back to life.
Read MoreWhen President George Washington died, many couldn't imagine an America without him. Here is how one ambitious doctor tried to bring Washington back to life.
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Read MoreIt stands to reason that a nation would go into mourning upon the death of a beloved leader like Queen Elizabeth II. That plays out in specific ways.
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Read MoreWhen Abraham Lincoln was running for president, he was met with criticism and threats. One man used his facial follicles to protest Lincoln's potential win.
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Read MoreUnlike U.S. currency, which only features portraiture of deceased individuals, some of the U.K.'s present money features the picture of Queen Elizabeth II.
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Read MoreMany sports have their moments of risk, even danger -- whether it involves a team or a solitary pursuit. Even bicycling apparently had its moments at first.
Read MoreNo matter the style of government, when a nation's leader dies, it signals significant change, including sometimes elaborate, historical observances.
Read MoreThe presidency of Abraham Lincoln was one of the most crucial, difficult periods in American history -- a civil war, and the question of emancipation.
Read MoreGreek mythology helped the ancient people to understand the world. Here's how Athens altered its founding myth during its cultural peak.
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Read MoreAs with the nation overall, Mississippi's homicide rates have risen over the past few years, with citizens demanding more from the state's elected officials.
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Read MoreThere might still be a few people who think Hollywood royalty live lives somehow more magical and less painful that the rest of us do. Sadly, that's a myth.
Read MoreSongwriter Joan Baez was linked to the '60s folk revolution but also connected to a scientific discovery. Here's what you need to know about Baez and science.
Read MoreYou might see hazard warnings when driving -- road conditions that are hazardous when wet. The roots of the word itself also involve a level of risk.
Read MoreAlexander the Great is certainly a prominent figure in the history of ancient civilizations, but his father, Philip II, also has long-lasting influence.
Read MoreThomas Jefferson had an impressive array of responsibilities. He was part of the Committee of Five, and he also drafted the Declaration of Independence.
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