10 Worst Ways To Die During The Vietnam War
The Vietnam War was a notoriously horrific conflict. Here are some of the worst fates that befell the combatants and civilians who didn't survive.
Read MoreThe Vietnam War was a notoriously horrific conflict. Here are some of the worst fates that befell the combatants and civilians who didn't survive.
Read MoreThanks to survivor accounts, forensic evidence, and Jim Jones' own tape recordings, we know exactly how the 1978 Jonestown massacre unfolded.
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Read MoreYears ago, Mt. Vesuvius erupted and swallowed the towns of Pompeii and Herculaneum. Now, we've decoded the first word of a manuscript from the area.
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Read MoreIn November 2023, thousands of Roman coins were discovered in the Mediterranean Sea. And that might just be the beginning of the story.
Read MoreWorld War I might not have been as deadly as its successor, but it had just as many bizzarre incidents that remain unsolved to this day.
Read MoreDecades after the 1968 assassination of Robert F. Kennedy at the Ambassador Hotel, there are still things about the murder that we can't quite explain.
Read MoreFrom May 26 to June 4, 1940, the Battle of Dunkirk saw the Allied forces trapped by the German Army. And there are some things about it that don't add up.
Read MoreIn most places private property is not accessible without permission, but here's the bizarre reason it can be legal to access private property in Nebraska.
Read MoreThe destructed ruins of Pompeii were discovered centuries ago, but archeologists continue to find things they didn't expect. Here are the most recent.
Read MoreMuch has been rehashed about World War II, but no one talks about the United States program for WWII German POWs where the U.S. gathered pivotal intelligence.
Read MoreHistory class probably taught you a lot of things about World War II, but it can only cover so much. Indeed, lots is left out from such curriculums.
Read MoreSome laws that are still on the books don't make much sense today. One such law is Rhode Island's specific ban against certain professional sports games.
Read MoreItalian polymath Leonardo da Vinci created lots of beautiful art, and some of his sketches led archeologists to a centuries-old secret located in Milan.
Read MoreThe destruction of Pompeii after the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in A.D. 79 preserved a variety of Roman artifacts, and some of them are downright bizarre.
Read MoreWorld War II was the deadliest conflict in human history, and if Hitler's Nazis had come out victorious, he had some plans lined up for Russia.
Read MoreAn ancient building that was hidden for thousands of years was discovered under a parking lot in the French Riviera's beachside town of Cavalaire-sur-Mer.
Read MoreThroughout the years, artifacts have been unearthed and shed light on the history of the world. And some, the tales say, are cursed.
Read MoreThe Wild West took place from 1865 and 1900 in the United States, and it was a different time, to say the least. There were also plenty of painful ways to die.
Read MoreIn June 2023, a submersible and its crew went missing only to implode deep in the sea. Chilling audio recording likely captures the Titan sub's final moments.
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