What You Never Knew About Rudy Giuliani
Rudy Giuliani has been in the spotlight lately but was always highly-polarizing figure in the politics. Here are things you never knew about Rudy Giuliani.
Read MoreRudy Giuliani has been in the spotlight lately but was always highly-polarizing figure in the politics. Here are things you never knew about Rudy Giuliani.
Read MoreTo call Boris Johnson a controversial figure would be an understatement. This is the wild number of scandals Boris Johnson has been involved in.
Read MoreCERN is an international scientific organization whose purpose is to study fundamental particles.
Read MoreTetsuya Yamamgami shot and killed Japan's former president Shinzo Abe on July 8, 2022. Here's what we know about Yamagami, his past, and why he killed Abe.
Read MoreThe first color TVs were a truly mesmerizing experience for those who were lucky enough to watch.
Read MoreSir Ian McKellen is a gargantuan figure both on the stage and within the geek community. Here are some tragic details about his life you might not have known.
Read MoreThe idea of eating poison in order to protect yourself from being poisoned is actually rooted in history and a Pontic king named Mithridates the Great.
Read MoreCommanders-in-chief have been accused of committing specific crimes, and things have progressed as far as impeachment on four occasions in American history.
Read MoreThe film "Monster" and the true story of killer Aileen Wuornos have some parralels, but what is fact verus fiction? Here is the true story.
Read MoreThe Confederate Constitution was basically an amended version of the U.S. Constitution, with a few important changes. Here are the most significant differences.
Read MoreRituals to usher in adulthood vary a lot by culture, like Brazil's Sateré-Mawé tribe's tradition to mark a boy's coming of age which involves lots of pain.
Read MoreGeorge W. Bush, Barack Obama, Donald Trump, and Joe Biden all share something in common: all four have faced calls for their imprisonment. But could it happen?
Read MoreThe valkyrie has appeared in many forms across ancient mythology, often depicted as a formidable group of Viking warriors. Here's its story.
Read MoreFew things about Ruja Ignatova's life are known for certain. But one thing we know is Ignatova is responsible for the biggest cryptocurrency fraud in history.
Read MoreHells Angels are probably the most infamous motorcycle club in the world, but becoming a member takes serious dedication. Here's how to become a Hells Angel.
Read MoreA sexy siren of the screen, Broadway, radio, and even television, Mae West was the epitome of a wicked femme fatale. Here's her story
Read MoreIt was March 13, 1980, when John Wayne Gacy was convicted of 33 murders. But some mysteries still surround this infamous serial killer. Here are some.
Read MoreWestboro Baptist Church is known for its hateful messages and protests at funerals. Their mission started with one man. Here is the untold truth of the WBC.
Read MoreA pirate captain is nothing without their ship. While there are countless ships that flew the black flag, here are the most famous pirate ships in history.
Read MoreThough Jane Fonda and Donald Sutherland are known today for their acting prowess, once upon a time, they made headlines for a very different reason.
Read MoreThe longest-reigning monarchs in history include, of course, Elizabeth II, but though she's ruled for 70 years and counting, she doesn't own the longest reign.
Read MoreBaby Thomas Gibson went missing over 30 years ago after playing in the front yard of his home. However, the whereabouts of Gibson still remains a mystery.
Read MoreAnita Hill rose to public awareness and scrutiny after alleging sexual harrassment against Clarence Thomas during his Supreme Court nomination hearings.
Read MoreWhile often associated with Thor, the goddess Sif's history has been lost to time, with only brief and sometimes unclear mentions in the Eddas.
Read MoreWhile TV and film offer a window into what it's like to go undercover, it turns out some of the most common tropes are quite far from the reality of vice work.
Read MoreTravis Barker was part of another rock group for a few years before he joined Blink-182.
Read MoreBill Joel is one of the best songwriters of all time, with dozens of hits to his name. Despite his success, he has endured some major hardships.
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