The Most Popular Jobs 300 Years Ago
There are many obvious differences between the 1720s and today, but what people did back then to make a living in colonial America might seem oddly familiar.
Read MoreThere are many obvious differences between the 1720s and today, but what people did back then to make a living in colonial America might seem oddly familiar.
Read MoreThe cast of "Swamp People" seem to live a tough yet idyllic life in the Louisiana swamps. But wrestling alligators isn't the hardest thing they've had to face.
Read MoreAnne Frank's diary gave the world a unique view of the terror of Nazi occupation. The last months of her life were darker than any page of her journal.
Read MoreOn April 8, 2024, millions of people across North America will be in for a once-in-a-lifetime cosmic event. Here's the lowdown on 2024's total eclipse.
Read MoreOne of Hollywood's most glamorous actors, Elizabeth Taylor was married more times than she was nominated for Oscars. Some of them were tragically awful.
Read MoreAcross the first five books of the Bible there are a lot more than just 10 Commandments. Here are some biblical commandments that you might not have heard of.
Read MoreWhile John F. Kennedy was in the White House, there were a lot of crazy parties behind closed doors, which were very different that the official public ones.
Read MoreThe 24th Special Tactics Squadron has a decorated but mysterious history. Here is the untold true of one of the most elite fighting forces in American history.
Read MoreWe might remember them for making us laugh, but these '00s sitcom stars left us under tragic and sometimes even profoundly disturbing circumstances.
Read MoreHumans have been using plants for their intoxicating and psychoactive properties for thousands of years. Here's what some of the most common do to our brains.
Read MoreThe trappings of rock star fame can include legions of adoring fans. Some fans found their pin-up rock-star idols turn into real, even lasting, relationships.
Read MoreThe Bible has birthed many scenes in popular culture, such as the infamous apple that caused humanity's fall. But not all of these are actually in the Bible.
Read MoreHere's the incredible true story of the 1973 exhibition match between feminist icon Billie Jean King and retired tennis legend Bobby Riggs.
Read MorePhilip Seymour Hoffman passed away at a tragically young age. His death seemed to come out of left field, but he had already lived through plenty of tragedy.
Read MoreThe horrific Clear Lake Murders were perpetrated by a troubled teen and her boyfriend on her own friends. This is the chilling story of Christine Paolilla.
Read MoreDespite being obsessively looked into by historians and conspiracy theorists for decades, many details of the JFK assassination's timeline are not well-known.
Read MoreOn screen, the "Mythbusters" cast somehow managed to avoid calamity. When the cameras weren't rolling, though, tragedy befell several cast and crew members.
Read MoreIn 2000, Libya shocked the world by accusing several nurses and doctors of deliberately infecting Libyan children with HIV. Their trial was a multi-year ordeal.
Read MoreMainstream success has often proved elusive for Living Colour, but the band has been wowing fans for decades. Here's what you might not know about them.
Read MoreSince the 1950s, more than 500 people have died in Georgia's Lake Lanier. But even before the manmade lake was formed, the area was plagued by tragedy.
Read MoreKnown globally for his iconic role as Iron Man, Robert Downey Jr. has come a long way since his early years. Here's how he overcame his life's challenges.
Read MoreWhile there are plenty of creepy myths about Crater Lake, even a look at the real life stories reveals a truly unnerving past for this beautiful national park.
Read MoreDanceteria was a huge part of the '80s New York City nightclub scene. From the dance floor to the rooftop, here's what awaited you during a night at Danceteria.
Read MoreReality TV claims to show viewers the stars' real lives, but in actual reality, many of those lives end too soon. Sadly, many died before their 35th birthday.
Read MoreThe story behind the Fritzl family and the monster who tormented them, Josef Fritzl, is gut-wrenching. Here's a run-down of the harrowing yet true details.
Read MoreFondly remembered as the Queen of the Blues, Dinah Washington's angelic voice captivated audiences across the U.S. However, her life story is not so magical.
Read MoreAt a crime scene, police investigators look for evidence that, if collected and analyzed carefully, could help solve the case and bring perpetrators to justice.
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