The Biggest Lies The Catholic Church Has Ever Told
The Catholic Church has a long and storied history, no stranger to controversy and criticism. It's not wonder its stance of several issues have become murky.
Read MoreThe Catholic Church has a long and storied history, no stranger to controversy and criticism. It's not wonder its stance of several issues have become murky.
Read MoreFrom humble beginnings, Truman Capote managed to charm and manipulate his way into high society, surrounding himself with a who's-who of America's female elite.
Read MoreElvis Presley rubbed shoulders with countless celebrities during his meteoric career. Turns out, meeting the King was as rock and roll as you might expect.
Read MoreThe Roaring Twenties was a time of plenty, with wealth and success flowing freely. And hot on its heels were con artists, whose greed upended many lives.
Read MoreBob Marley's 12 children might not all have had the same experience with their legendary father, but each has carried on the name in their own way.
Read MoreAmerican children growing up in the '90s were treated to a variety of fun yet educational kids TV shows. Here's how they fared when the 21st century arrived.
Read MoreThe Temptations were a defining part of the Motown brand, and kept going for decades after their '60s debut. But their lives were more tragic than you may know.
Read MoreRingo Starr was never content to rest on his Beatles laurels, and still rocks a steady tour schedule with his All-Starr Band. Here are some of his ground rules.
Read MorePrincess Di became one of the most famous women in the world, and her sisters played an important part in her life, before and after her death.
Read MoreWhile daily life was very different 1,000 years ago, people still needed to work for a living. Some jobs are still popular today, but others may surprise you.
Read MoreThe story of Gypsy and Dee Dee Blanchard, where the victims and villains merge, is both baffling and sorrowful. The case is long, twisted, and brutally tragic.
Read MorePlane crashes are rare and tragic, and sometimes tragically claim the lives of people for whom drama is a livelihood. Here are some of the actors we've lost.
Read MoreAt the end of the 1920s, one of history's worst financial collapses plunged many U.S. families into deep poverty. Here's what life was really like for them.
Read MoreOld Hollywood actors often led difficult lives, sometimes seen by how they died. Here are sad things found in the official paperwork from classic stars' deaths.
Read MoreThe King was an object of affection for untold masses of adoring fans, and enjoyed the trappings of fame to the max. Here's a rundown of his many relationships.
Read MoreFor all their successes, Rick Harrison and the rest of the cast of History's breakout hit "Pawn Stars" have also dealt with conflict, setbacks, and tragedy.
Read MoreWorld War I brought plenty of change, which could be seen and felt globally, especially in large cities like London.
Read MoreIn the '80s, viewers' favorite sitcom characters seemed almost like family. That's why it's shocking and painful to learn about many of their tragic deaths.
Read MoreOver the eons, Earth has seen several mass extinction events, including one happening right now. This time, the cause isn't a huge asteroid impact. It's humans.
Read MoreA generation of budding scientists found inspiration in the fun yet educational kids cartoon "The Magic School Bus." Here's what you didn't know about it.
Read MoreCops still hold intoxicated people in drunk tanks all over the world. Sometimes, people are held for days on end and, tragically, some people don't make it out.
Read MoreNew York's famous Copacabana nightclub inspired songs, musicals, and movies. But what was this coveted celebrity party spot really like in its heyday?
Read MoreThere are many famous murder cases in recent history in which securing the crime scene was treated more like an afterthought. Here's where officials screwed up.
Read MoreShannen Doherty was a hugely popular star of dramatic TV shows from the 1980s to the 2000s, but behind the scenes she was dealing with a tragic personal life.
Read MoreThe Beatles are one of the biggest bands in the world, and their break-up shocked fans. Their relationship after, however, continued to have ups and downs.
Read MoreThis is the true story of how Superman leapt off the pages of Detective Comics and out of the radio waves to take on the ascendant KKK.
Read MoreWhile the CIA might be more commonly known as the secret spy arm of U.S. government intelligence, the Army's ISA really takes the cake.
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