• scientist, petri dish

    People Who Knew A Pandemic Was Coming Before It Happened

    Pandemics seem to come from nowhere. But almost always, even hundreds of years ago, there were people who had a hunch that something bad was coming. And if only everyone else had listened, history might not have been so horrible. Here are people who knew a pandemic was coming before it happened.
  • test anxiety

    The Messed Up Truth Behind IQ Tests

    IQ tests have been around, in one form or another, for over a century. Sadly, the many occasions in which IQ tests have been used as a justification for racism, eugenics, xenophobia, and executions is ... deeply troubling, to say the least. This is the messed up truth behind IQ tests.
  • Walt Disney

    False Things You Believe About Walt Disney

    One of the most famous filmmakers of all time, Walt Disney’s story is larger than life … and that’s thanks to some major myth-building, both good and bad. Much of what we believe about Disney is just plain false, so let’s set the record straight.
  • Ludwig van Beethoven

    The Tragic Real-Life Story Of Beethoven

    Ludwig van Beethoven is one of the most famous composers ever, but his life was full of heartbreak and loss. Here are some of the unhappy details of the tragic real-life story of Beethoven.
  • girl in window

    Positive Things That Have Come Out Of The Coronavirus

    The coronavirus, or COVID-19, is scary. The pandemic is definitely spreading sickness, fear, and even death. It's bringing out the worst in some people, but in others? It's bringing out the best. And that's what we want to talk about. Here are positive things that have come out of the coronavirus.
  • Gavin Rossdale, Bush

    The Untold Truth Of Bush

    With frontman Gavin Rossdale, Bush sold millions of albums and churned out big, bombastic hits. But there’s a lot more to this band than meets the eye, and today, we’re taking a look at the untold truth of Bush.
  • Dalai Lama

    The Tragic Truth About Tibet

    Tibet's fate has been largely down to the fact that it lies adjacent to China. That's a recipe for turmoil and tragedy. This is the tragic truth about Tibet.
  • The Imperial Family in 1914

    The Tragic Real-Life Story Of The Romanovs

    The Romanovs were assassinated in 1918, but that’s just the final act of their heartbreaking story. From troubled romances to major health issues, here’s the tragic real-life story of the Romanovs, the last imperial rulers of Russia.
  • Pandemic Board Game

    The Untold Truth Of The Pandemic Board Game

    Pandemic is one of the best-selling board games of all time. But who made this peculiar game about disease? Why is Pandemic so popular? And what untold truths can a strange board game reveal about how pandemics spread in the real world? Here's the untold truth of the Pandemic board game.
  • viking

    What Life Was Really Like As A Viking In 800 AD

    When most think of Vikings, the first thing that comes to mind is looting and pillaging. But that's just one aspect of Viking life and culture, and over the years, historians have been able to unravel many more details of daily Viking life. Here's what life was really like as a Viking in 800 AD.
  • Tiananmen Square tanks

    The Messed Up Truth About The Tiananmen Square Massacre

    The Tiananmen Square massacre was a horrific event wherein the government slaughtered thousands of protesting individuals in cold blood. In mainland China, information regarding this mass murder has been suppressed for decades. This is the messed up truth about the Tiananmen Square massacre.
  • Frida Kahlo painting

    The Tragic Real-Life Story Of Frida Kahlo

    Frida Kahlo is one of the most admired artists of the 20th century. But Kahlo's artistic genius came at a price. Her personal life was marred with tragedy, loss, illness, infidelity, and chronic pain that plagued her throughout her time on Earth. This is the tragic real-life story of Frida Kahlo.
  • Florence Nightingale

    The Tragic Life Of Florence Nightingale

    Florence Nightingale invented the modern nursing profession and changed the course of public health forever. But the woman who did so much to improve health care spent much of her own life sickly, reclusive, and averse to media attention. This is the tragic life of Florence Nightingale.