The Year Stephen Hawking Predicted The World Would End
Like many before him, renowned physicist Stephen Hawking predicted the world would end, but he had some pretty specific reasons for his beliefs.
Read MoreLike many before him, renowned physicist Stephen Hawking predicted the world would end, but he had some pretty specific reasons for his beliefs.
Read MoreAmerican lions went extinct around 10,000 years ago. Exactly how is still a matter of debate. Here are the biggest theories that try to explain it.
Read MoreThe city of Chicago electrifies one of its bodies of water for a very important reason. One that involves years of history and animal science.
Read MoreOver the eons, Earth has seen several mass extinction events, including one happening right now. This time, the cause isn't a huge asteroid impact. It's humans.
Read MoreThe Grand Canyon's Pumpkin Spring might look pretty cool, but you definitely don't want to bathe in it. In fact, it's dangerous to do so. Here's why.
Read MoreMany people don't have to worry about an active volcano nearby. There are a few active volcanoes in Iceland - and you might be surprised at the overall number.
Read MoreFactory farms are industrial facilities that produce massive amounts of meat found in restaurants and grocery stores, largely through abuse and exploitation.
Read MoreThe winter solstice happens every year, and it's the longest night of the year. Here's what the science says about how it affects your body.
Read MoreWith the threat of climate change increasingly looming overhead, many are wondering if sustainable jet fuel is a possibility. Here's what we know.
Read MoreAmerica's USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map got updated in 2023 for the first time since 2012. And there's a troubling reason it happened - here it is.
Read MoreAs climate change reshapes life as we know it, Antarctica is becoming more hospitable to plant life -- with chilling implications for the entire planet.
Read MoreCalifornia has only ever been hit by one real hurricane. So why is it so rare to see them in the Golden State? There are a few different reasons.
Read MoreHere is a brief rundown on how the philosophers of ancient Rome understood tornadoes, as well as the Greek philosophers whose work they used as a basis.
Read MoreWars have been won and lost for a variety of reasons, and not always due to just human effort or error. Sometimes the weather played a key role in battle.
Read MoreEl Niños are naturally occurring weather patterns that happen every two to seven years. Here's what an expected El Niño means more specifically.
Read MoreWe know that Earth naturally cycles through cool and warm periods, and that temperatures in 2100 are on track to hit the same highs as 5 million years ago.
Read MoreWhile monsoons are simply a change in wind, they can also bring lots of rain and subsequent flooding, causing disaster.
Read MoreYou know that whole global warming thing? Well how about we bypass all the hard work of figuring out a sensible, rational, cooperative way of dealing with it?
Read MoreHector the thundercloud is very predictable. So much so, in fact, that it arrives on a daily basis with almost perfect timekeeping.
Read MoreThe sun has a very direct influence on life on Earth. In particular, sunspots influence the weather we experience to a certain degree. Here's how.
Read MoreTornadoes are among the most imposing and fascinating weather phenomena, the result of thunderstorms. Here's how thunderstorms become tornadoes.
Read MoreNostradamus was a 16th-century soothsayer that many people still turn to when trying to predict the future. Here are some of his scary predictions for 2023.
Read MoreThese days, commercial beekeeping helps keep up the food supply, but Florida is still feeling the devastating effects of Hurricane Ian on the bee population.
Read MoreClimate change is altering the very nature of the Earth, making it unsustainable for some species to live on, including many reptiles.
Read MoreFor centuries, humans have been pointing to natural occurrences, such as the number of acorns that fall, that supposedly portend the severity of winter.
Read MoreNatural disasters are extremely powerful, but their aftermath is just as difficult. Here's how different natural disasters change the environment.
Read MoreTo the uninitiated, severe offshore weather simply means trouble, but there are distinctions to be made in the types of storms that threaten coastlines.
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