The 2 Billion Year Old Nuclear Reactor That Exists In Africa
When we think of nuclear reactors, we might assume they're all made by humans. But as scientists discovered in 1972, that's not necessarily the case.
Read MoreWhen we think of nuclear reactors, we might assume they're all made by humans. But as scientists discovered in 1972, that's not necessarily the case.
Read MoreIn 2003, the United States experienced an outbreak of a small-pox-like disease endemic to Africa called monkeypox. Let's take a look at what happened.
Read MoreWe don't really know what's going on in our dogs' hearts and minds. According to science, dogs' emotions are very real — and they're fascinating.
Read MoreMonkeypox is a rare disease usually contained to Africa, but a new outbreak in Europe has caused concern. Cases have also begun to appear in the U.S.
Read MoreThese Missouri caves are repurposed limestone mines used by Kraft, and they're the perfect environment for storing large amounts of cheese.
Read MoreCharles Darwin has gone down in history for his insightful work regarding evolution theory. Come to find out, he had some thoughts specifically about lions.
Read MoreIf you've ever observed an animal after giving birth, you may have noticed the mother licking her young. But why do animals do this? Here's the answer.
Read MoreThe history of the legal profession in the United States is filled with head-scratching lawsuits filed for the most picayune and trivial of reasons.
Read MorePostage stamps are, you should pardon the expression, a sticky topic. Who is so honored, and why -- even how often -- can be debated almost endlessly.
Read MoreAnsel Adams has a photographic legacy of the natural world that few artists come close to. And, in 2020, one of his photos fetched a very high six-figure price.
Read MorePrairie dogs might appear to be a simple little critter, but it turns out they actually have highly sophisticated communication, and even talk about humans.
Read MoreThe Muppets' "Pigs in Space" aside, before humans ventured into outer space, we sent up various animals to test whether space flight was survivable for humans.
Read MoreDeath by bear attack is a very rare way to go, but it's also terrifying. These are the deadliest bear attacks in history.
Read MoreIn 1995, a pickup truck collided with a dump truck transporting monkeys, and the monkeys spilled out onto the street before some went completely missing.
Read MoreThe domestic housecat hasn't actually been domesticated all that long, compared to, say, dogs. Does that mean that there lurks within savage impulses?
Read MoreSlavery has a long history in America, and its hard for teachers to cover everything. These are the New York slave rebellions you never learned about in school.
Read MoreDanny Trejo has been a Hollywood fixture for decades, appearing in films large and small as well as TV. Underneath it all, he's a genuine dog lover.
Read MoreIt's not like an appendix in a human being -- there, ignored, not doing much of anything. No, a dog's tail is important in any number of ways.
Read MoreFor decades, scientists have studied the wildlife living near the 1986 Chernobyl disaster. They know a lot about Chernobyl's animals, and it's not all rosy.
Read MoreOne thing all humans share is that our bodies include blood. That blood isn't always the same -- there are blood types that can't mix. How about dogs and cats?
Read MoreThere are some animals out there that live longer than humans. Let's take a look at creatures that, in terms of longevity, can put us humans into our graves.
Read MoreA young man once decided to give away the millions that were in his trust fund to anyone who asked. Here's what happened to hippie millionaire Michael Brody Jr.
Read MoreBillionaire philanthropist MacKenzie Scott has held true to her promise to give away much of the $46.7 billion she was worth at the time of her divorce.
Read MoreEven when fossils are dscovered, the stories they tell aren't always the clearest. Here are some unique and curious features of these extinct animals explained.
Read MoreDomestic cats love catnip, so much so that it changes their behavior when they're around it. But what would happen if you gave lions and jaguars catnip?
Read MoreAnimals have a special penchant for stardom, sometimes capturing fans overnight. Here are some of the animals that have made headlines around the world.
Read MoreOur dogs are always communicating with us in one form or another but it's important to look at your dog's body language to understand what they're feeling.
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