This Is How Normal People Were Buried In Ancient Egypt

Ancient Egyptians built enormous tombs for high-ranking individuals. The Valley of the Kings was a special burial ground that was prepared for the elites, including high priests, queens, and pharaohs. The place is so elaborate that archeologists continue to find hidden treasures within its walls. As was the custom, the elites were mummified and buried with treasures, such as gold, jewelry, and even furniture. Food and drinks were also prepared so the dead could have a fancy feast in the afterlife (via National Geographic).


For normal people, however, the burials were a bit different. Mummification was a common practice before burying the dead, as Egyptians believed that the body should be preserved to allow the soul to have eternal life. However, there were different types of embalming or mummification based on the process done to the body and how much it cost. The bodies of elites were thoroughly cleaned and filled with spices and aromatic substances. For normal citizens and the poor, however, the body was simply washed, and the organs were removed before burial, as reported by World History. Still, there were others who couldn't afford any type of embalming.

Burial rites for ancient Egyptians

The burial ceremony was an important part of the ancient Egyptian culture, and even the poorest of the poor held ceremonies, no matter how simple. This was a crucial part, as they believed that the ghost of the deceased will haunt those they left behind if they weren't given a proper burial, as reported by World History. For the less fortunate Egyptians, linen cloth was used to wrap the body before burial. According to Sciencing, those who couldn't afford a tomb typically buried their dead underneath the sand where the heat and dry weather of the desert naturally preserved the body. Some were also buried near cliffs.


The lower class people were buried with some possessions, too. However, the items were not as lavish as those that were buried with pharaohs. Instead, they were buried with whatever material items the family could part with such as amulets, fruit, and bread (via Ancient Egypt). In some cases, the poor were buried with nothing at all.

