Here's Who Is Buried At St. George's With Prince Philip

It's been a long time since royal watchers have seen a memorial service as significant as Prince Philip's. When Princess Diana died in 1997, followed by the Queen Mother in 2002, both events took place at Westminster Abbey, the royal church situated near the Thames in a bustling part of London, and accompanied by a lengthy procession through the streets of the city.


Prince Philip, however, was notorious for his dislike of pomp, once reportedly telling the Queen (per ABC Net Australia) that his wish was for her to "just stick me in the back of a Land Rover and drive me to Windsor." She granted him his wish.

Prince Philip's services were held at St. George's Chapel, on the grounds of the royal family's Windsor estate. Befitting a service held in the midst of a global pandemic, the royal and military procession took place entirely within the grounds of that castle in the Berkshire countryside. But Prince Philip will not be alone — his interment at St George's is but one of many notable individuals from British royal history.

Who else is buried at St. George's Chapel?

Despite not being the site of a televised royal memorial in quite some time, St. George's is nevertheless likely familiar to many royal watchers. It was the site of the 2018 marriage ceremony of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex (that's Harry and Megan to us less-formal types). But the ever-practical royals are used to living among history, and so the site is used for happy occasions, as well as for more solemn events.


Once laid to rest, Prince Philip is in good company. He joins (among many others) 10 monarchs laid to rest in this chapel, which was completed by King Henry VIII in 1528, says iNews. Notable burials at the site include Henry VIII himself (along with his third wife, Jane Seymour), King Henry VI, Henry VII, King Edward IV, King William IV, and King George IV, according to the chapel's website.

Prince Philip will not rest solely among those interred centuries ago, however. He'll also be among those he knew in life, including the Queen's father, King George VI (who died in 1952), and her mother, Queen Elizabeth (The Queen Mother), as well as the Queen's firebrand sister, Princess Margaret, laid to rest there in 2002.


For now, Prince Philip will be interred in the Royal Vault, says iNews. After Queen Elizabeth dies, Philip's casket will be moved to join hers in St. George's King George VI Memorial Chapel.

