Celebrities Ozzy Osbourne Can't Stand

The tale of Ozzy Osbourne's transformation from the Godfather of Heavy Metal to the bumbling king of fly-on-the-wall style reality TV was definitely an interesting one. The guy is as good at making enemies of the rich and famous as he is at striking fear in the hearts of parents worried about who their teenaged kids are hanging out with. According to Us magazine, the Prince of Darkness is so metal that he even hates Christmas, because he apparently just can't be bothered to "unravel all these f****** presents. What a f****** waste of paper." Sorry, Santa. When it comes to consumerism, Ozzy draws the line at MTV.


So it's no surprise that Ozzy's got a laundry list of celebrities that he just can't stand. And they run the gamut from classic rock and roll rivalries with former bandmates to petty celebrity feuds fit for the front pages of the sleaziest tabloid rags. Let's take a look into the army of enemies The Great Ozz has made throughout his decades of debauchery and volunteered voyeurism.

Ozzy couldn't patch things up with Black Sabbath drummer Bill Ward

Ozzy Osbourne's falling-out with the other guys in Black Sabbath was a notoriously violent affair. In his 2011 memoir Iron Man, Sabbath guitarist Tony Iommi remembers one night in the early 1970s when he tried to break up a fight between Ozzy and bassist Geezer Butler, and the former tried to take a swing at him, so he knocked the Prince of Darkness out cold with a blow to the jaw. According to NME, after the legendary metal band's final tour in 2016 and 2017, the two had made up to the point where Ozzy could say he loved his former bandmate as a person, just no longer liked working with him.


However, there was one original band member who did not perform on that final tour. According to Ultimate Classic Rock, Black Sabbath founding drummer Bill Ward had a falling-out with Ozzy and the other guys in 2011 over a contractual disagreement when they were getting back together for a reunion tour. Unfortunately, they were never able to work things out, and the feud has lasted for years. Rolling Stone reported that the quarrel worsened in 2015 after Ward posted a bitter diatribe on Facebook in which he demanded apologies from The Great Ozz. No apologies were forthcoming, however. Ozzy responded on Facebook, saying, "What the f*** are you on about? Stop playing the victim and be honest with yourself and your fans."


Ozzy called Iron Maiden frontman Bruce Dickinson's on-tour behavior 'pathetically childish'

Ozzy's rock and roll ire isn't exclusive to his former bandmates. He has also made enemies of other heavy metal icons. According to Far Out magazine, Ozzy also can't stand Iron Maiden frontman Bruce Dickinson after the two had a row during the 2005 Ozzfest tour. Unhappy with the overtly commercial style of the tour, Dickinson apparently whined like a moody teenager backstage about the use of teleprompters and other MTV-inspired trappings that in his opinion degraded his heavy metal cred. He apparently was running his mouth about it on stage, as well.


After Ozzy's wife Sharon overheard him say things like, "We don't need a reality show to be legit," she took it as a not-so-subtle jeer at Ozzy and decided to take action. She haughtily cut the power during Iron Maiden's set. Three times. Sharon admitted to doing this in a public letter after Iron Maiden left the tour in a huff. "Was Dickinson so naïve that I was going to let him get away with talking s*** about my family, night after night?" she wrote. "I don't think he realizes who he's dealing with."

Reasonably unhappy with Dickinson "slagging [him] off" onstage, Ozzy backed his wife up 100 percent. "If you've got something to talk to me about, be a man. Come to my face and say...," then he said the F-word several times, as is his bumbling wont. "It's so pathetically childish."


Ozzy can't stand the Kardashians, even though he pretty much created them

MTV's The Osbournes was the progenitor of several fly-on-the-wall style shows that followed in its wake. The most popular of these mutant reality TV offspring was without a doubt E! network's Keeping Up with the Kardashians, finally ending after 20 vacuous seasons. And, as you might expect, Ozzy has had something to say about the family that's famous for being famous.


According to NME, Ozzy said in an interview in 2018, "I said to Sharon the other day, 'What the f*** is the deal with these Kardashians? They don't sing, they don't act, they don't do anything.' She told me, 'The trend now is that people want to be celebrities and make money for doing f*** nothing.'"

In a sense, Ozzy has a point. He's a famous singer, the forefather of an entire subgenre of rock music, and is definitely famous for something other than fame itself. However, watch an episode of The Osbournes, and try to argue that it isn't exactly what Sharon was talking about: celebrities making money for doing nothing. The vast majority of their viewers back then surely were not metalheads or Black Sabbath fans. They watched it for the same reason people watch Kim and her vain family: a glimpse into the lives of the rich and boisterous. NME writer Jordan Bassett said it best: "Chill out, Ozzy, you basically invented the Kardashians."


Ozzy told Billy Bush to 'act like a man'

The Kardashians aren't the only people among the Hollywood elite that The Prince of Darkness has spit hellfire at. His quarrels these days aren't with his demons, but rather with the hosts of gossip shows like Access Hollywood and Fashion Police. The Hollywood Gossip gives us the circuitous (and inane) breakdown: Ozzy's daughter Kelly was a panelist on E! network's Fashion Police, which is exactly what it sounds like. During the show's episode "policing" the runway looks at the 2015 Academy Awards, fellow panelist Giuliana Rancic made a comment about actress Zendaya's dreadlocks, saying that they made her look like she smelled like "patchouli oil ... or maybe weed." Kelly claimed that she had warned Rancic not to say it, but she'd said it anyway, causing a huge scandal for the show.


So how does Billy Bush fit into all this? We know. We're getting there. Back when he still hosted Access Hollywood, Bush said on the show that he didn't think Kelly had ever actually warned Rancic not to say what she said. And that earned him Ozzy's social media fire and brimstone. "Stop acting like a b****. Act like a man," Ozzy tweeted. "Lay off Kelly or we'll be going to hospital to get my foot out of your a**." He enigmatically signed off with: "God Bless." (Sorry metalheads. This is all very sad, but true. Ozzy actually said these things.)

Ozzy Osbourne threatened to kick Heather Mills off the Brit Awards stage

We can probably all get behind this last entry on the list of celebrities Ozzy Osbourne can't stand. Heather Mills pretty much became universally hated by everyone on the planet after her bitter divorce from former Beatle Paul McCartney in 2008. Ozzy, who considers McCartney one of his heroes, was definitely one of those haters. And according to Stuff, when there were rumors that Mills might show up at the 2009 Brit Awards, which were to be hosted by Ozzy and Sharon, the two had some characteristically strong words about what they'd do if she got up on stage. "I would boot her off," said Sharon. "I think she's a miserable old cow."


Ozzy expressed a similar sentiment. "But I really don't want to be there if Heather shows up," he said. "Never mind McCartney having a go — I think the audience will string her up... She's f****** nuts." Needless to say, Mills did not make an appearance at the show.

Fun Ozz fact to end on: while Ozzy and Sharon worried about Heather showing up, the show's producers were worried The Great Ozz might make good on his threat to strip down to his bits and pieces in front of everyone. Fearing "the biggest meltdown in the history of the Brits," they broadcasted the show with a 30-second delay.

