What Was The Most Boring Day In History?

As time marches inexorably onward, the days begin to blur, each becoming functionally indistinguishable from the last. The rising and setting of the sun solidifies itself as the final discernable landmark on the road to eternal rest. Color fades, exhaustion overtakes enthusiasm, and the utter meaninglessness of existence hammers itself, one punishing blow at a time, into our slowly decaying hearts.


But it could be worse. We could be bored. How bored?

According to the Atlantic, that's what researchers at the search engine True Knowledge wanted to find out back in 2010 when they set out to determine the most boring day in history. Utilizing a database of 300 million facts, they wrote a program that scanned recorded history beginning at the turn of the 20th century. Flat out ignoring the redundancy inherent in utilizing computer programming to see how boring things could get, they landed on a definitive answer: April 11th, 1954.

Strap in, this one's a roller coaster

That's right. There is a "most boring day in modern history," and according to science, it's a boomer.

With billions of people on the planet and innumerable events taking place at atomic, subatomic, and cosmic scales, no day can be completely bereft of intrigue. That said, April 11th, 1954 sure seems to come close. It's difficult to exaggerate just how much stuff didn't happen on April 11th, 1954.


There was a general election in Belgium. Abdullah Atalar, a Turkish engineering professor, was, and this is true, born. According to the Mass Effect wiki, it marked Commander Shepard's 200th pre-birthday. It would be nice at this point to say "and that's not all," but it truly seems to be. According to History, Bill Haley and His Comets recorded "Rock Around The Clock" the next day. On April 10th, Norwegian speedskater Oscar Mathisen died.

But nothing much happened on April 11th, 1954.

