Woman Receives Secret Santa Gift From Bill Gates

Ho, ho, holy Windows Vista! That's probably what one woman said in so many words after unboxing an 81-pound package from a very special someone in time for Christmas.

Why would she take the Lord of Operating Systems' name in vain like that? Because her Santa of Secrets was none other than the world's richest man, Bill Gates.


Shelby, a Michigan resident and Reddit user, "received the gift through annual Secret Santa exchange on RedditGifts, which hosts dozens of themed exchanges each year," according to CNN. Apparently, this isn't Gates' first rodeo.

"It's well documented that Bill Gates has been participating for years, but I never, ever thought he would be my Secret Santa," Shelby said. "It's really surprising."

So, what did Tech-Santa bring Shelby? Per CNN: "The gifts included an original manuscript of "The Great Gatsby," signed by Gates; books; toys for her cat and Harry Potter and "Twin Peaks" memorabilia, according to her post on RedditGifts.com. It arrived in a box lit up inside by Christmas lights."

Jingle Bills

Apparently, Shelby had a hunch her Secret Santa might be a tech billionaire — as if Gates telepathically communicated his gift before it ever arrived.

"I got the alert that it was shipping from Washington, and I said to my husband, 'Maybe this from Bill Gates!" Shelby said. "When I looked in the next morning and saw that it was 81 pounds, I thought, 'Maybe this actually is from Bill Gates.'"


When she showed up at the FedEx office the next day to pick up the package, she said the employees were excited, shouting "You're the Bill Gates package!" according to her post.

In a touching finale, Gates also included a donation in her mother's memory to the American Heart Association, who passed earlier in 2019. "I was really touched by it. It was really thoughtful," Shelby said. "I had mentioned in my Reddit gift questionnaire that my mom had passed away, but I hadn't mentioned the AHA at all."

Gates included a note which read: "I know no gift will ever make up for losing someone so important to you. I hope you and your family find your 'new normal' this holiday season." Jeff Bezos, take notes.


