Disturbing Prophecies For The End Of The World In 2025

It would take an unusual degree of optimism — or naivety — to look around in 2025 and come to the conclusion that everything's just fine and dandy. As society continues to reel from the toll of the recent COVID-19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine rumbles on and seems likely to become the central issue about which geopolitics will soon be redrawn. Meanwhile, the conflict between Israel and Hamas remains deeply traumatic despite steps being made toward a ceasefire, with experts worried that outrage around the conflict could easily spill into a wider escalation of violence in the Middle East.


Others point to the rise of authoritarianism and fascism in several Western countries, suggesting the catastrophic end of liberal democracy may soon be at hand. On top of that, the existential threat of climate change grows increasingly hard to ignore, as weather conditions become undeniably more extreme even as countries around the world fail to meet their self-imposed climate targets. Worryingly, various mystics and religious figures have long prophesied that 2025 would be a critical year for humanity, with Nostradamus, Baba Vanga, and others all making some disturbing claims as to what the coming months might hold.

Nostradamus is pessimistic, as usual

Nostradamus' chilling 2025 predictions made headlines at the start of the year (as they do every year), with outlets around the world attempting to decode the mysterious prophecies he seemingly put forward in his poetry. The 16th century French seer's work certainly seems to chime uncannily with prevailing world events.


Nostradamus predicts that 2025 will be a time of "cruel wars" in Europe (per The Times of India). That the Ukraine-Russia war has already been raging for three years seems to suggest an escalation of the conflict, and it is true that other European countries are now seeking to raise defense spending to combat the threat of spreading hostilities. That the war could expand to include countries in the NATO alliance — who are all obliged to defend members against foreign aggression — could see nuclear powers such as France, the U.K., and the U.S. becoming directly involved, raising the horrifying possibility of nuclear war.

He also seems to suggest that the symptoms of climate change will become even more severe in 2025, predicting mass flooding and natural disasters; indeed, headlines at the start of the year were dominated by the horrendous wildfires engulfing Los Angeles. Even more worryingly, Nostradamus predicts a catastrophe involving an asteroid, uncannily mirroring alarms from scientists that we are due a close call with a passing asteroid ... though that is not due to take place until 2032, per scientific models. We can also take solace in the fact that many of Nostradamus' predictions for 2024 and previous years failed to come to pass. 


Baba Vanga suggests its the beginning of the end

The Bulgarian mystic Vangeliya Pandeva Gushterova, aka Baba Vanga, was a huge celebrity in her lifetime, having become known for her apparent ability to predict the future. Vanga became blind as a child, and it has been claimed that though she lost her vision she became blessed with "second sight." She was said to have predicted both World War II, the Chernobyl disaster, and the September 11 terror attacks when she saw the image of steel birds attacking the United States. Believers have claimed that Vanga's predictions had an accuracy of 85%, and though she died in 1996 people still turn to her words for insights into what cataclysmic events might be about to happen. 


Worryingly, Vanga has earmarked 2025 as the year in which the end of the world begins to occur. Like Nostradamus, she foresaw an escalation of conflict in Europe, which has the potential to lead to the beginning of World War III and predicted a new conflict in the East, as well as Russia coming to dominate the world. She also foresaw major natural disasters, including a catastrophic earthquake on the West Coast of the U.S.

However, there is some good news. Despite believing that 2025 represents the beginning of the end for humanity, Vanga claimed that our species will continue in some form or another for another three millennia, before becoming extinct in 5079. All that said, according to Snopes, there is oddly no written record of any of her predictions and they are all things she allegedly told people. She also allegedly claimed that aliens were due to arrive on Earth via an asteroid in 2022, so her predictions ought to be taken with a pinch of salt.


Evangelicals are seeing 'end times' signs on the world stage

But it's not just famous mystics who have disturbing prophecies to share for 2025. Pastor Jonnathan Zin Truong is a former Buddhist turned Christian minister in Houston. He claims to have foreseen extreme weather hitting the United States in 2025, including major storms and epic snowfall. He has also chimed with Baba Vanga in claiming to have had visions of conflict in the East, particularly the image of Chinese and North Korean soldiers and Chinese hackers working against foreign nations including the United States. He also foresees major earthquakes in Asia, North America, and Hawaii.


Pastor Tom Hughes has shared his view that the spread of disinformation and deception via the internet and through AI aligns with revelations in Christian scriptures that the end of the world will be preceded by falsehoods and false Christs. Meanwhile, Christian prophet Joshua Giles, who is based in Minneapolis and is said to have foreseen the Israel-Hamas conflict, started the year predicting that 2025 will be the start of expanding conflict across the globe. His prediction echoes academics' fears that a new world war is increasingly likely.

Heed the warnings of the Doomsday Clock

Not all those who present the world with the image of humanity's imminent demise are mystics. The Doomsday Clock, which is run by the Chicago-based Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, has been used since 1947 to warn the world how close we are to experiencing a man-made global disaster that could bring civilization to its knees.


Back then, the group's major fear was the world's increasing supply of nuclear weapons, an issue that remains a threat today. However, in 2025 the number of potential calamities appears to be increasing, with the dawning of AI also providing an existential threat to humanity in the eyes of many experts. There has also been widespread condemnation of the U.S. government's withdrawal from the Paris Agreement, which is intended to commit nations to reducing their carbon emissions, a move that undermines the world's ability to combat climate change.

The time shown on the Doomsday Clock has been changed to "89 seconds to midnight" after being set at "90 seconds to midnight" for two years. Since its inception, the clock has usually been set between 17 and two minutes to midnight, usually being reset to reflect nuclear warhead supplies or disarmament. The clock stands at the closest it has ever been in its history, reflecting how tumultuous the world looks in 2025.


