Dave Grohl's Relationship With Jordyn Blum Explained

It's true that rock stars' marriages aren't often notable for their longevity, but by all accounts, the marriage of Foo Fighters frontman Dave Grohl and Jordyn Blum has been a stable and loving one, extending more than two decades since they tied the knot in 2003. Along the way, the couple were joined by three children, with Grohl depicting himself as a devoted family man in his 2023 memoir, "The Storyteller." "Our paths had crossed at a time when I thought I was forever doomed to live in the past, but through her strength and clarity, she showed me a future," Grohl wrote of his wife, via an excerpt published by The Sun. "Together we created my life's greatest achievement, my family ..."


However, Grohl's family life blew up explosively in September 2024 when, to reference the lyrics to Foo Fighters hit "The Best of You," he had "another confession to make" when he revealed that he'd fathered a child with another woman. Here's Dave Grohl's relationship with Jordyn Blum explained.

Dave Grohl's first marriage ended due to his infidelity

Long before becoming one of the most charismatic frontmen in rock music, Dave Grohl rocketed to stardom as drummer for grunge pioneers Nirvana. It was during that period that Grohl began dating photographer Jennifer Youngblood, with the two getting married in 1994 — the same year that Nirvana disbanded following the tragic death of frontman Kurt Cobain.


As was subsequently revealed, Grohl was reportedly not the most faithful of husbands. A string of infidelities led to his eventual divorce from Youngblood in 1997; she was reportedly close with Grohl's Foo Fighters bandmate Pat Smear, resulting in a rift between the two that was reportedly one factor in Smear's decision to leave the band (he rejoined Foo Fighters in 2005 after he and Grohl mended fences). Grohl then began dating Veruca Salt singer-guitarist Louise Post, who subsequently claimed during an onstage tirade that Grohl cheated on her with Winona Ryder. Grohl then dated snowboarder Tina Basich; like Post, Basich also alleged that he'd been unfaithful during the course of their relationship.


Throughout their brief marriage, Grohl and Youngblood (who is not, contrary to some reports, the romance novelist of the same name) maintained a low-key approach to their relationship. She did, however, appear alongside her then-husband (pictured above) for a brief cameo in a 1996 episode of creepy-yet-beloved sci-fi series "The X-Files."

When he first met Jordyn in 2001, he drunkenly called her 'my future ex-wife'

Dave Grohl had been divorced from Jennifer Youngblood for a few years when he met Jordyn Blum in 2001. At that point, Grohl was in the midst of establishing himself as a rock star in his own right as frontman of Foo Fighters, beyond his earlier incarnation as Nirvana's drummer. After the release of the self-titled debut album — on which Grohl played every instrument — he put together a bona fide band, and the rest is rock history.


In an interview with Q, Grohl recalled the first time he met Blum, at the bar in the Sunset Marquis in Los Angeles. According to Grohl, Foo Fighters drummer Taylor Hawkins was chatting with a fetching young woman, who sent her friend — Blum — to meet Grohl, who'd just wrapped up a recording session and wasn't exactly looking his best. "I've got Vans trainers on, no socks, dirty shorts and a dirty t-shirt, surrounded by beautiful Hollywood," he recalled. Feeling out of place, Grohl didn't even attempt to try to impress her. "I was like, 'Oh my God. Not a chance!' So I'm just having some drinks and acting like a jackass," he recalled. 

Later in the night, after more imbibing, he jokingly referred to Blum as his "future ex-wife," which provoked a surprising response that would ultimately change both their lives. "So she gave me her number: 'Jordyn, your future ex-wife,'" noted Grohl.


While dating Jordyn Blum, Dave Grohl didn't initially feel ready for marriage

As Dave Grohl told Q, after spending time with Jordyn Blum, he began feeling fearful about where the relationship was heading, confronted with the choice of remaining a single guy on the loose or committing to a relationship. "So I backed out," he admitted. 


Interviewed by Elle in 2007, Grohl opened up about his state of mind at that time, admitting that having come off a divorce just a few years earlier factored into his decision. "We went out on a few dates and I decided that I wasn't ready for a serious relationship, so I just stopped calling," he shared. Weeks passed, but Grohl couldn't get Blum out of his mind. "After three months, I had a revelation and called her back," he recalled. "She picked up the phone and said, 'Oh, I never thought I'd hear from you again.'"

During that interview, Grohl also revealed what he believed to be Blum's biggest frustration with him. "The fact that I'm virtually deaf," Grohl explained. "Any woman who's going to date a rock musician has to be prepared to repeat herself every 10 seconds." While the woeful state of his hearing is a somewhat inevitable byproduct of his job, he admitted there was nothing enviable about it. "My wife asks me where we should go for dinner and it sounds like the schoolteacher from Charlie Brown," he joked.


She's a former MTV producer who's been associated with some Foo Fighters videos

While Jordyn Blum may have been best known as Dave Grohl's wife for more than two decades, she also has a successful career in fashion and entertainment. When Blum met Grohl in 2001, she was a producer for MTV. In fact, Blum leaned into her MTV experience when she took on director duties for the 2002 music video for Foo Fighters single "Walking a Line." The video — a combination of in-concert performance and behind-the-scenes footage of the band — features the kind of quick-cut editing that became synonymous with MTV during its heyday in the 1980s and '90s, indicating she'd learned the ropes during her stint with the TV network that revolutionized the music industry.  


Blum's association with Foo Fighters' videos wasn't just behind the camera. In 2011, she appeared onscreen in the band's video for "White Limo," sharing the screen with late Motörhead frontman Lemmy Kilmister, who portrays the driver of the band's titular limousine.

Dave Grohl and Jordyn Blum were married in 2003

After they reconnected, Dave Grohl and Jordyn Blum took their relationship to the next level when they exchanged vows in a 2003 ceremony at their Los Angeles home. Grohl was adamant about taking his wedding seriously. "It's not a Vegas thing, man," Grohl told NME of his wedding. "It's not the Elvis chapel here at the Grohl residence. It's definitely a party. And you only do it once ... or twice," he added, jokingly referencing his first wedding. 


Asked if he and Blum had contemplated a barefoot, New Age-style ceremony on the edge of a cliff, Grohl was quick to dispel that notion. "Have I ever seemed like a hippy to you? No? Good," he quipped.

The guest list included his former Nirvana bandmate Krist Novoselic and music industry heavyweight Clive Davis, but Grohl was insistent about not inviting his ex-wife — nor any of Grohl's other exes, for that matter. "There comes a time when you have to close certain chapters of your life and put the memories somewhere in a safe place far away, not staring you right in the f***ing face in the front row of your wedding," he explained.

Dave Grohl and Jordyn Blum welcomed three daughters

As Grohl shared with NME, after getting married, he was ready to start a family. "There's nothing better to anchor you at home than a couple of rugrats," he explained. Just a few years later, in 2006, the couple welcomed their first child, daughter Violet Maye. Speaking with People in 2007, Grohl marveled at how much his life had changed since he'd become a father. "We used to go on the road for three months at a time. It's a struggle for me to leave for even 12 days," he mused. "I realized the life I always imagined beginning once the band ended has to begin now."


Grohl and Blum continued to expand their brood. Daughter Harper Willow arrived in 2009, followed by a third daughter, Ophelia Saint, in 2014. "Fatherhood eclipsed any dream, any wish, any song I had ever written, and as the years went by I discovered the true meaning of love," he wrote in his memoir, "The Storyteller." "I no longer just live for myself; I live for them."

Both Violet and Harper have demonstrated that they've inherited their dad's musical abilities; during a 2018 benefit concert, Violet beautifully sang an Adele cover, while Harper played drums on the Foo Fighters hit "The Sky is a Neighborhood." Since then, Violet has sung with her dad on numerous occasions, including joining the Foo Fighters onstage when they headlined the Glastonbury Festival in 2023. 


Jordyn was the inspiration for some Foo Fighters songs

Not only did Jordyn Blum direct a Foo Fighters music video while also appearing in one, she also inspired some songs written by husband Dave Grohl. One of those was "Statues," from the band's 2007 album "Echoes, Silence, Patience & Grace." "That song is about my wife and me. To me there's nothing more beautiful than seeing the headstones of a husband and wife side by side in a graveyard," Grohl explained in a 2008 interview with GQ, dismissing any interpretations that the song may have been about the deification of his previous band. "It doesn't have to do with the Nirvana Statue. Whatever!" he said.


Meanwhile, Grohl has tried to distance himself from another song inspired by Blum, which appeared on 2002's "One By One." Admitting there is some "questionable" content on that album, Grohl told the A.V. Club that one song he wrote for her later made him cringe. "A song like 'Burn Away,' I was in love with my future wife and had some romantic f***ing prom ballad," he confessed. "Ugh! We'd never play that f***ing s*** live."

Dave Grohl reveals he fathered a child outside his marriage

In September 2024, Dave Grohl took to social media to share some downright shocking news. In an Instagram post, the Foo Fighters frontman issued a statement to reveal that he'd become a father for the fourth time. The mother of this child, however, was not wife Jordyn Blum, but an unidentified woman with whom he'd had an extramarital affair.


"I love my wife and my children, and I am doing everything I can to regain their trust and earn their forgiveness," he wrote in that post, emphasizing how far he'd fallen from the image that had been constructed of the solid rock-star family man, who'd long been described as "the nicest guy in rock."

Grohl's revelation of that awkward and unfortunate news, as painful as it was, earned high points from PR experts who praised his deftness at damage control. As Will Valentine of Valentine Advisors wrote in a blog post, getting ahead of the messaging, before the news of Grohl's love child leaked out, allowed Grohl to take control of the narrative before news organizations could. "His team's early push allowed key messages, like family and accountability, to resonate, with nearly half of the initial coverage reflecting those themes," wrote Valentine. "This was a solid win for shaping the narrative early on."


Sources claimed that Jordyn Blum was 'shocked' by her husband's baby news

Fans of Dave Grohl, who had bought into the nice-guy image that had enveloped him for decades, were no doubt surprised by his admission that he'd fathered a child with a woman who was not his wife of 20-plus years. However, fans weren't the only ones surprised by his confession; sources who spoke with People suggested that wife Jordyn Blum was just as stunned by Grohl's admission of paternity resulting from infidelity.


"She was shocked when she found out about the baby. Her friends are like family, and they rallied around her," one of Blum's friends allegedly told the outlet, also claiming that she'd actually known about her husband's love child prior to his announcement. However, there were some within the couple's inner circle who weren't all that surprised by what Grohl had done, suggesting he wasn't the rock 'n' roll choirboy he'd been painted to be. "We keep reading over and over again how heartbroken everyone is because Dave was supposed to be the 'good guy,' the rock star that didn't have to do those rock-star things," another source alleged to People. "And people are crazy about the guy, but there is a rock-star side."


Dave Grohl hired a divorce attorney before dropping his baby bombshell

Dave Grohl has demonstrated many attributes over the years, but stupidity hasn't been among them. With that in mind, it shouldn't be surprising that he reportedly took some pre-emptive legal action prior to making the public announcement of his outside-of-marriage baby, which came after he'd already hired a divorce attorney. It is unknown whether Blum had signed a prenuptial agreement prior to marrying Grohl; given that he'd already gone through a divorce, however, it would appear likely that some kind of prenup would have been put in place. 


While Grohl's announcement demonstrated his intention to try to repair his marriage as much as possible, enlisting the services of a divorce lawyer may indicate otherwise. If Grohl and Blum do get divorced, though, there's some serious money at stake, given Grohl's reported net worth of $330 million; because the spouses reside in California — a community property state — Blum could potentially be awarded half of her husband's considerable fortune.

The future of Dave Grohl's marriage to Jordyn Blum is in question

Following the baby revelation, unconfirmed rumors began emerging about Jordyn Blum's flirtatious behavior with her tennis instructor, Christopher Crabbe — including claims that Crabbe had been at the center of arguments with her husband, Dave Grohl. While no evidence was presented to prove that, tongues wagged when Blum was photographed during a tennis lesson, and was not wearing her wedding ring — leading to speculation that she was sending a message about her intention to move on from her unfaithful husband.


While the couple hadn't announced plans to divorce (as of late September 2024, at least), the awkward scenario impacted Grohl's professional life when Foo Fighters announced that the band was pulling out of schedule headlining gig at a Connecticut music festival. "Foo Fighters will no longer be appearing at this weekend's Soundside Music Festival," read an Instagram post issued less than two days prior to the date that the band was supposed to perform, advising fans that more info could be found on the festival's website. 

Meanwhile, further unconfirmed reports alleged that Blum had been offered a multimillion-dollar book deal, from a subsidiary of publisher Simon & Schuster, to write a no-holds-barred tell-all about her two-decade marriage that could potentially prove hugely embarrassing for Grohl.


