The Dark Side Of Elvis Presley

When someone reaches a certain level of fame, it's tempting to think that everything about them is a matter of public record, particularly if they lived and made headlines in the modern era. Take Elvis Presley, for example. The King — a moniker Presley didn't enjoy — dominated American culture in the mid-20th century through his music. After Presley tragically died on August 16, 1977, and even beforehand, darker details about his private life trickled into the public consciousness. So you'd think everybody would know everything about Presley by now: he loved his mama (maybe a little too much), he loved weird food, he died on the toilet, and, as an aside, sang some of the greatest songs of all time.


Not every detail about Elvis Presley is a casual fact of pop culture the way his pompadour haircut and Graceland mansion are. In fact, Presley was actually a natural-born blonde who dyed his locks for that slick, "Greased Lightning" look, which would likely distress those Elvis fans who idolized that famous hair of his. But there are even more facts about Presley that often go ignored, and many of them cast him in a less-than-flattering light. Animal lovers might be disappointed to discover the King owned his own chimpanzee. His "womanizer" image went a little too far and began to impact his personal relationships. And then there are the tragic details of his health and drug misuse. From weird obsessions to eyebrow-raising relationships with the women in his life, here's the dark side of Elvis Presley.


The following article includes allegations and descriptions of addiction.

Elvis admitted he never wrote anything and he barely played the guitar

The singer of a song is naturally the person most people will associate with the tune. Even when a performer is not known to write their own music or lyrics, it is their rendition that makes it to the airwaves to be consumed by the general public, rather than the sheet music with its noted authors. But that association between singer and song can sometimes crowd out all other contributions, and so it has largely been with the discography of Elvis Presley.


Presley was first and foremost a performer, and nobody sees him as a Dylan-esque songwriting genius. But you'd be shocked to know he literally wrote nothing. Despite being credited on some songs as a co-writer, Presley never contributed anything past the odd title here and there (for example, he apparently thought of the phrase "all shook up" after a bad dream, and then somebody else turned that into a song.) The "co-writer" credits were simply there for publicity, and the man himself admitted as much.

In a 1957 interview for Dig magazine (via Keith Flynn's Elvis Presley Pages), Presley confessed, "I never wrote a song in my life ... I've never even had an idea for a song." In that same interview, he also claimed that, despite walking around with a guitar and strumming it during a concert, he couldn't actually play. This was self-deprecation beyond the literal truth; Presley could play, and he used the guitar to work out arrangements. But he was never a master player, and as his career took off, he used the guitar more and more as a prop rather than an instrument.


He and his manager cheated their way to royalties

The reason Elvis Presley has any songwriting credits at all is because of business-side strong-arming by his notorious manager, Colonel Tom Parker. Presley had a special arrangement with music publishers: when Presley wanted to record a song by an outsider, Parker would demand a third of songwriter royalties for his client. "He would get a piece of the action. Colonel Tom Parker made sure of that," songwriter David Hess told American Songwriter. "To have a potential No. 1 hit staring you in the face made the pain of getting screwed a little less painful." For example, Presley is a listed contributor to "Don't Be Cruel," of which he didn't write a word or a note.


One songwriter who resisted exploitation: Dolly Parton. In 1974, she released "I Will Always Love You," which eventually became a cash cow when Whitney Houston covered it for "The Bodyguard" in 1992. The soundtrack album sold 12 million copies (per Billboard), providing a nice payday for the country legend. Back in the '70s, Presley wanted to cover it, but with the condition that Parton sign over half the royalties. As published in the Belfast Telegraph (via, Parton turned down Presley and replied, "Well, now it's already been a hit. ... I wrote it and I've already published it. And this is the stuff I'm leaving for my family, when I'm dead and gone." No deal from Dolly meant no Presley version of "I Will Always Love You."


Elvis was a gun nut

What we might call the popular caricature of Elvis Presley will have certain key pieces: the pompadour, the guitar, the gyrating hips, and the sequined jumpsuits. But for greater accuracy, the above image should also be packing: Presley loved guns, and he loved shooting things almost as much as Elmer Fudd did. He was a humongous gun collector and ended up with enough of them to fund his own militia. By the time he died in 1977, he owned more than 40 guns, including rifles and even a machine gun, just in case the guys from "Jailhouse Rock" broke out and went on a rampage or something. By the '70s, he had grown paranoid enough to bring guns with him on stage, though thankfully never the machine gun. Instead, he would stuff guns into his boots.


To Presley's credit, he had a concealed-carry permit, and he was hardly alone among Southerners of his generation in his love of firearms. However, he was dangerously careless with his guns. As recounted in his autobiography, "Over the Top and Back," singer Tom Jones once visited Presley's dressing room to find a loaded Colt .45 automatic pistol just lying there in the King's bathroom. He wrapped it in a towel and gingerly gave it to Presley, who nonchalantly responded with his classic catchphrase: "Thank you very much."

While touring, Presley ruined many a hotel room's lamp and TV set by blasting them. At home, he fired at makeshift targets, and in his darker moments, he threatened his own friends with his guns.


He regularly impersonated police officers

As just about everybody knows, with the exception of costume parties, it's illegal to impersonate a cop. It's also illegal to pull people over and pretend to give out tickets. But Elvis Presley did both, and quite regularly, too. He and his friends loved to play pranks and practical jokes on each other, as well as on the unaffiliated and unsuspecting. Presley also loved the police and law enforcement, and even wanted to be a policeman when he was a boy. But when all grown up, he was too busy being a rock star to become an actual cop, or simply unwilling to give up peanut butter and banana sandwiches to properly train.


So instead, according to Priscilla Presley's "Elvis, by the Presleys," Presley would slap a police siren on his car, don one of the many fake badges he had accumulated over the years (Priscilla claimed he had a million, which may have been an exaggeration), pull speeders over, and tell them something like, "Son, you were speeding. Just want to warn you to slow down." He even had a blue cop light to complete the picture. 

To these unsuspecting motorists, Presley would give a lecture. Then, he would give them a ticket that was actually an autograph, which didn't make pulling people over under the guise of "I am the law" any less wrong (nor did his love of the force keep Presley from getting speeding tickets of his own). If only he had spent less time cosplaying as Barney Fife and more time learning to play guitar and write music.


Things got dark when Elvis joined the Army

In 1957, at his career peak, Elvis Presley briefly disappeared. The reason: He got drafted into the United States peacetime standing army, to his horror. Presley feared that a stint in the army would take him away from the music scene for too long and cost him his fame. But he shipped out in March 1958 with an armored division stationed in Germany, and not as a Special Services man entertaining the troops. He worked as a truck driver (Presley had been a truck driver before he became the rock King). When the base grew inundated with fan mail and aggressive local women trying to scale its walls, he got a transfer to a scout platoon.


Presley returned to the U.S. less than six months later, following the death of his beloved mother, Gladys Presley. Deeply upset by the loss, Presley reportedly worked through his grief via self-destructive behavior. When he returned to Germany after the funeral, he partied like there was no tomorrow, and during a trip to Munich, he got into a nasty bar fight. On a trip to Paris, he took some soldiers to a strip club and brought the strippers back to their hotel. It was also during this time when Presley reportedly started daily misusing amphetamines, the start of a pill addiction that would eventually hasten his demise.

Elvis got into a fistfight over parking

Elvis Presley had plenty of patience for his fans, sometimes to his own — and others' — detriment. In 1956 (per Elvis Presley Photos), he was back in Memphis after a tour and stopped at a gas station to have his exhaust line checked. By the time his car was ready to go, a crowd of autograph seekers had gathered, and the King was happy to oblige them from out the window of his Continental Mark II. Unfortunately for everyone else who needed gas at that station, Presley's car was blocking the pump.


The owner of the station, Edd Hopper, asked Presley three times if he would move his car, unaware of his patron's name or fame. Each time, Presley said he would, only to carry on signing autographs. After the third time — well, recollections varied. Hopper said that Presley punched him in the face while someone else held his hands back; Presley claimed that Hopper punched him. Whoever started it, a handful of blows were exchanged before the police broke the fight up.

Presley, Hopper, and Hopper's employee were all taken in and appeared before a judge. The charges against Presley were dropped, to the delight of his many fans in the courtroom. But the judge did issue a reprimand: "In the future you should take into consideration that you have a large following and should cooperate fully with business people in order to avoid disruptions." Presley agreed and later said, "I'll regret this day as long as I live." As for Hopper and his worker, they were fined $25 and $15 respectively.


His manager forced the 'womanizer' image on him for profit

With how far pop culture has come in terms of depicting overt sexuality, it's almost impossible to imagine now what a stir Elvis Presley's gyrating dance moves made in the 1950s. He might have hated the nickname "Elvis the Pelvis," but Presley was well aware of his throngs of adoring female fans and had a high tolerance for such crowds. "Whether the girls were eight years old or 18 or 65 or 70, he just liked women," recalled one photographer (per Alanna Nasha's "Baby, Let's Play House").


But while Presley might have basked in female attention, it was at least partially because his manager wanted him to. Colonel Tom Parker was tireless in marketing Presley as the ultimate lady's man, and the idea that Presley might finally find "the one" was a nightmarish thought. Parker's control over Presley's love life was never more evident than in 1956, when Presley's girlfriend, June Juanico, told reporters she was his steady (via Elvis Australia). Immediately, Parker sought to squash the news, having Presley "confess" to a different reporter, "I got about 25 girls I date regular. She's just one of the girls."

It's safe to assume these publicity stunts didn't delight Elvis' love interests. But on the flip side, it may have given Juanico the freedom to also date who she wanted. And indeed, she found someone else, breaking up with the King in a train car not long after, letting him know she had promised to marry another. In the end, he was left alone on the train as it pulled away from the station.


Elvis tried to ban the Beatles

After the King, there was the Fab Four. The Beatles took America — and the rock genre — by storm in the 1960s, throwing out sounds and ideas very different from the work of Elvis Presley. In a utopian world, the two acts would appreciate one another and get on well over the years, while engaged in friendly competition. And in the one documented meeting between Presley and his Scouser rivals in 1965, such a relationship seemed in the cards. The Beatles had grown up admiring Presley, after all. The five of them in the same room together weren't terribly chatty, but they did enjoy a jam fest, and Presley was complimentary to the Beatles in a press conference a few years later.


But by the time Presley sat down with President Richard Nixon in 1970, his tune on the boys from Liverpool had changed. At that meeting, the rocker unloaded, accusing the Beatles of representing all the worst aspects of the hippie movement. He told Nixon that the Beatles were a pack of opportunists who blew their way through America, made their fortune, and skedaddled back across the pond to rail against the country that had given them so much.

Even Nixon, the poster child for paranoid grievances, was taken aback by Presley's attack on his fellow rock n' rollers. He apparently moved the subject to more general griping about protesters. But Presley gave the same sort of speech to J. Edgar Hoover the next year, though this time he focused on the Beatles' appearance and the bad example it set.


Elvis started dating Priscilla when she was just 14

Elvis Presley first took up with the only woman he'd ever marry when she was barely a teenager. Priscilla Beaulieu was raised by a father in the U.S. Air Force, and when she was in her early teens, he moved the whole family to a base in Wiesbaden, Germany. One day in 1959, when Beaulieu was 14 years old, she was hanging out at an American military club when a man named Currie Grant approached her and said he was close friends with 24-year-old Elvis Presley, who was at the time enlisted in the Army and stationed nearby.


She'd soon accept Grant's invitation to meet Presley. The first time he came face to face with the girl that his friend had picked up for him, Presley guessed she was a junior or senior in high school, only for Beaulieu to correct him. "Why, you're just a baby," she recalled him quipping in an essay penned in People. Before long, he was promising to look after her like a sister. Soon after that, Beaulieu and Presley were a couple, much to her parents' consternation. The lovers insisted everything was proper and, wrote Beaulieu: "they wanted to believe me."

Presley eventually charmed Beaulieu's parents, and the relationship continued. After Presley's discharge and return to the U.S., he'd fly Beaulieu out on occasion, sneaking off to see her without arousing suspicions of his girlfriend, actor Anita Wood. After Wood found out and broke things off, Presley invited Beaulieu to move in with him. She was 15 at the time.


Elvis had a misbehaved and ultimately unloved pet chimp

Why even be rich and famous at all if you don't blow your money on something preposterous once in a while? To that end, Elvis Presley blew money on the kinds of things one usually sees on celebrity TV shows such as MTV's "Cribs" — houses, cars, etc. But how many early 2000s rappers had a pet chimp?


Decades before Michael Jackson and Bubbles, there was Elvis' pet chimpanzee King and Scatter. Memphis TV host Bill Killebrew employed the chimpanzee, which he'd taught all kinds of tricks. Their favorite bit? Driving around Memphis, where Killebrew would lay low in the driver's seat and work the pedals while Scatter steered, shocking anyone who had never seen a chip drive a car before. And all for the entertainment of loyal viewers of WMC-TV.

Somehow, Killebrew got bored with Scatter after about a year, and approached Presley about taking the chimp off his hands. "I guess he figured Graceland was the kind of untamed place where a monkey would feel at home," longtime Presley associate Alan Fortas told Elvis Australia. But party central wasn't the most positive environment for a young chimp, which indulged in all of its worst impulses. Presley would reportedly laugh when Scatter would approach female guests and lift up their skirts, knock back a beer or some whiskey, or tear up the curtains and throw his poop around. A biter who attacked maids, wives, and Memphis Mafia men alike, Scatter eventually became too much to handle, and he spent his final years caged and without company.


He told Priscilla what to wear and how to act

Throughout his relationships, Elvis Presley tried to exert control and influence over women. They had to be virginal, devoted, tolerant of any extracurricular activities he got up to on the road, and prepared to subsume their own personalities. It was a pattern he set early; when he was 19 years old, Presley dated 15-year-old Dixie Locke, whose clothing choices he dictated. That behavior grew more pronounced when he entered into a relationship with Priscilla Beaulieu, later Priscilla Presley.


"He wanted to mold me to his opinions and preferences," Priscilla wrote in her People essay in 1985. She wasn't pleased with how quickly into the marriage she'd become pregnant. According to her memoir, Priscilla discussed getting a prescription for birth control pills with Elvis shortly before the nuptials. "He had been adamantly against it: 'They're not good for you. I really don't want you taking them. They're not perfected yet. There's all kinds of side effects.'"

Priscilla also wrote about how upon visiting Elvis in the U.S. early in their relationship in the 1960s, he took her on a four-hour shopping trip that she called "the Elvis Presley Fashion Course." He insisted that she wore only the colors that he liked to wear, solids only, and never dark green or brown because those reminded him of his military years. "I was Elvis's doll, his own living doll, to fashion as he pleased," Priscilla explained, adding that the musician would also order her to redo her makeup if she applied it too lightly.


Elvis was fixated on virginity

Elvis and Priscilla Presley married in 1967, more than seven years after their relationship began in Germany in the late 1950s. The couple didn't physically consummate their relationship until their wedding night. In her 1985 memoir "Elvis and Me," Priscilla Presley recalled tearfully begging her boyfriend to meet her physical needs. He refused every time.


She and Presley kissed and snuggled, and the couple took explicit, sexually charged Polaroid pictures of each other. Throughout their dating years, Presley carried on flings and affairs, notably with Ann-Margret while filming "Viva Las Vegas." But Priscilla remained technically chaste — per Presley's wishes and in line with a deeply-held personal philosophy regarding whoever he chose to marry. "Something in his Southern upbringing had taught him that the 'right' girl was to be saved for marriage. I was that girl," Priscilla wrote in her People essay.

Nine months to the day after their 1967 wedding night, the Presley parents became the Presley family when their daughter, Lisa Marie Presley, was born. After the birth of their child, Elvis lost all sexual interest in his wife, claiming that he couldn't be with a woman after childbirth. "He had mentioned to me before we were married that he had never been able to make love to a woman who had a child," Priscilla wrote in her memoir.


He was serially unfaithful

Pressure from his management may have compelled Elvis Presley to spend time in female company and put out statements in support of a womanizing image, but it wasn't all for show. Presley had many girlfriends over his short life, the rich and famous among them. And even as he insisted on devotion and virginity from his steady girlfriends — and later from his wife — he made it clear that he wasn't playing by the same rulebook.


"He wasn't faithful," Priscilla Presley flatly told "Saturday Night" (via Today) about her husband. "Not that he had someone special, but when you're in the entertainment business there is always that." Priscilla was torn between willful ignorance of the affairs and jealousy over Presley's infidelity, all while his wants and needs superseded her own. "As much as he wanted to be married and have a family, I don't know if he was ever cut to be married," Pricilla said, "because I don't think he could ever be faithful to one woman."

Pricilla had her own affair towards the end of their marriage with karate teacher Mike Stone, which helped to end her marriage, though she and Presley remained close. Having a taste of his own medicine did nothing to curb Presley's dalliances; his long-term girlfriend Linda Thompson left him because of his many affairs, and because of his stubborn attitude about the differences between men and women when it came to sex. "A man can have an affair and it means nothing," he told her (per Express). "It's just me rubbing up against somebody ... women aren't built like that."


Elvis and his mother were maybe a little too close

Priscilla Presley was the only woman that Elvis Presley ever married, but she said in her memoir that the King truly only had room in his heart for one woman — his mother, Gladys Presley. It's an assumption more than one observer has made as well. To the extent that he had meaningful relationships with other women, Presley may have seen something of his mom in his girlfriends and his wife. "He was attracted to women who reminded him of his mother, as Priscilla did with dark hair and beautiful eyes," a friend of Presley's told a biographer (via The Sunday Times).


That could stem from Gladys Presley's doting on her son when he was a boy. "[She] gave him so much love and attention when he was growing up that he came to put all mothers on a special pedestal," Presley's friend Sonny West wrote in "Elvis: Still Taking Care of Business" (via Express). Because of his strong regard for motherhood, West claimed, Presley couldn't bring himself to be with any mother sexually.

Gladys and Presley long referred to each other by fawning pet names. She called him "Baby," "Ageless," and "Naughty," while he called her "Baby" in return as well as "Satnin," the name of a brand of lard. "He talked baby talk to her," Presley's associate Lamar Fike said in "Elvis and the Memphis Mafia." That extreme level of closeness between mother and son helped encourage actor Natalie Wood to break off her romance with Presley — she witnessed the adult rock star sitting in his mother's lap.


Elvis had a big love for big food

Elvis Presley had a huge appetite — for women, sure, but also for food. In 1960, James Gregory wrote in "The Elvis Presley Story" (via The Independent) the details of the Southern boy's penchant for gigantic, heart-stopping Southern-style breakfasts. To quote: "Elvis loves enormous breakfasts complete with sausage, bacon, eggs, fried potatoes, home-baked rolls, and coffee." In 1981, Presley's uncle, Vester Presley, and a Graceland cook named Nancy Rooks published "The Presley Family Cookbook," which featured some of the King's purported favorite foods. Delicacies included were the southern fried squirrel, the leftover potato patty fry, and something called "Pepsi-Cola salad:" black cherry Jell-O mixed with chopped apples, cream cheese, pecans, canned pineapple, and white grapes and raisins, with a basting of Pepsi.


In the 1995 BBC special "The Burger and the King," longtime Graceland cook Mary Jenkins discussed Presley's relationship with food, particularly his fondness for butter-fried peanut butter and banana sandwiches, as well as how she once snuck Presley a bag of forbidden hot dogs when he was hospitalized. "The only thing I get any enjoyment out of is eating," Jenkins said Presley once told her. 

But back to peanut butter sandwiches, which probably nobody loved more than Elvis Presley. In the '70s, he discovered a Denver restaurant, the Colorado Mining Company, and their ridiculously over-the-top sandwich: the Fool's Gold. It consisted of a loaf of bread slathered with a jar of jam, a jar of peanut butter, and a pound of bacon. Elvis fell in love with the sandwich so much that he would fly out to Denver just to pick up more.


His weight loss attempts were more dangerous than his eating habits

As Elvis Presley did everything to the extreme — womanizing, pill-taking, gunning, eating — it should come as no surprise that his diets and weight-loss regimens pushed the boundaries of good sense. As much as the King binge-ate, he felt guilty and upset about packing on the pounds he so famously added to his sparkly jumpsuit-covered frame in the 1970s — though only towards the end of the decade, which was sadly near the end of his own life. And so, he engaged in some of the era's many ill-advised weight-loss schemes.


He pursued some sensible strategies as well; he had his karate and some favorite recreational sports. But according to the Independent, Presley once became convinced he could quickly shed some extra weight by eating jelly made out of black cherry soda (his favorite beverage) and bananas — and nothing else. He tried it for weeks, but it didn't bring long-term weight loss. He also tried something called the "sleeping beauty diet," in which people have a doctor place them in a medically induced coma: while they "sleep," the body wastes away, living off itself to stay alive.

This is, to put it mildly, not recommended by reputable doctors. They're still warning people about the "diet," which has lingered on to the present day. In Presley's case, he swore off the idea, though he never reached the danger zone. His sleeping beauty pursuit reportedly ended when he fell out of a hospital bed and roused himself from his coma.


He took a dangerous number and combination of drugs

Elvis Presley was famously photographed shaking hands with President Richard Nixon, and the special occasion was Presley's successful quest for a Federal Bureau of Narcotics badge. This badge just wasn't another for his collection, either. The King really was concerned about illicit drug use, and considered himself well-positioned to help lead young people away from them. He also worried that drug use was a fuel for "anti-American" sentiment in the 1960s.


But in Presley's mind, the dangerous drugs were the illegal kind: pot, coke, acid, and the like. He didn't see any harm in using drugs prescribed by a doctor, and he used a lot of those kinds of drugs. On his death in 1977, a toxicology report found 14 different drugs in his system, with ten present in significant quantities (per FHE Health), among which were morphine, several barbiturates, and Valium. Presley had been taking this dangerous cocktail for years and had already had several overdoses. Presley could get almost any drug he wanted thanks to his personal physician, Dr. George C Nichopoulos, who first began treating the King for insomnia in 1967.

Presley's issues with insomnia were real, and treatments like amphetamines were still legal at the time. But his overreliance on drugs, worsened by his divorce, was obvious by the end. And when "Dr. Nick" wouldn't provide, Presley's fame and fortune could convince plenty of other, less scrupulous doctors to help grow his supply.


His acting dreams were ruined by his own manager

Elvis Presley movies have their fans, and individual titles have admirers in the critical and filmmaking communities. But taken as a whole, his filmography is often regarded as a succession of formulaic and lackluster musicals, a waste of any potential acting talent Presley may have had. It wasn't the way that he wanted his time in Hollywood to be regarded. Presley entertained acting ambitions right from the start, and he hoped to follow in the footsteps of stars like James Dean. He lobbied for straight parts in dramas, not for fluffy musicals.


He got a handful of chances to stretch as an actor, both at the beginning and end of his career, and when he departed from type and really tried to play a part, he convinced many that he had acting chops to match his famous pipes. But his manager, Colonel Tom Parker, and Hollywood executives weren't interested in Presley's burning ambitions to be the next James Dean. They were interested in easy profits and steady marketing of the King's set image, and the scripts and songs that came his way reflected their desires.

There's a long list of varied and challenging parts Presley desired, tested for, or was rumored to be after, only to be thwarted by bad luck or Parker. Working on the safe, formulaic pictures that he did took a heavy toll on Presley's emotional health, and it eroded his standing in pop culture until his 1968 comeback special.


He suffered a spiritual crisis toward the end of his life

Despite many a meme and cheap shot to the contrary, Elvis Presley did not "steal" rock and roll music from Black artists (nor was he the first white performer to popularize it among mainstream audiences). Throughout his life, he was very open about the debt he owed to singers like "Fats" Domino and to the gospel music he grew up with. But his appreciation for the gospel ran much deeper than music. Presley's stepbrother told the Observer (via The Guardian) that Presley was an incredibly devout Christian, praying over his concerts and acting as an unofficial Sunday School teacher to his stepbrothers when they were younger.


But Presley's beliefs were on the eclectic side. "All I want is to know the truth, to know and experience God," he told a friend (via USA Today). To that end, in addition to his Pentecostal faith, he dabbled in meditation and Taoism, wore the symbols of various religions, and read extensively on spiritualism. Per Peter Guralnick's "Careless Love: The Unmaking of Elvis Presley," it distressed Presley greatly that, despite his sincere belief, he never had a direct spiritual or religious experience.

The older, lonelier, and more paranoid he got, the more Presley leaned into spirituality, searching for some meaning to life beyond his fame and fortune. "There has to be a purpose," he once lamented, "there's got to be a reason ... why I was chosen to be Elvis Presley." He was allegedly considering converting to Mormonism at the end of his life, which helped justify the church re-baptizing him after his death.


Elvis died in a most unglamorous manner

Everyone wants to shed this mortal coil in a sweet and dignified way. An ideal death may look something like this: after telling gathered loved ones how much they've contributed to a valuable life, the soon-to-be departed will deliver a profound speech about the nature of life. Elvis Presley could have had a few things to pass on; after all, he changed music forever. But fate didn't allow him a death worthy of his stature. In August 1977, the King of Rock 'n' Roll, at the very young age of 42, died alone in the middle of the afternoon at his Graceland estate ... in the bathroom. His heart stopped while he sat on the toilet, and he keeled over with his pants around his ankles. Not exactly a hero's death.


Did the King "push" too hard? Not necessarily. He did suffer from chronic constipation, a condition exacerbated by what he chose to put into his body. However, according to The New York Times, the local county medical examiner attributed Presley's death to an irregular heartbeat related to hypertension and high blood pressure. A toxicology report found a Valley of the Dolls-meets-Studio 54 variety and volume of drugs in Presley's system, including codeine, quaaludes, a couple of prescription sedatives, a barbiturate, morphine, and the painkiller Demerol. In 1980, Presley's "Doctor Feelgood" of choice, George "Dr. Nick" Nichopoulos, faced a 14-count indictment for overprescribing drugs to Presley and other celebrities. He was ultimately acquitted, but later lost his license to practice medicine in Tennessee.


If you or anyone you know needs help with addiction issues, help is available. Visit the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration website or contact SAMHSA's National Helpline at 1-800-662-HELP (4357).

