Dumb Things In Jurassic World That Everyone Just Ignored

With more than a billion dollars at the global box office, there's no denying the fact that Jurassic World was a dino-sized hit. But, there were also a few Tyrannosaurus rex-sized plot holes (sorry, the dinosaur puns just write themselves) left dangling in the rush to speed up the blockbuster spectacle.


The movie is crazy fun, but Jurassic World is also far from perfect. From dumb decisions to a "happy ending" that still leaves about a million problems unresolved, here are some of the dumb things everyone pretty much ignored in Jurassic World.

Why give the Indominous rex the ability to camouflage? Isn't the point for people to see it?

The secret formula behind the Indominous rex is never fully revealed, just a few of its cooler traits. The one that causes most of the problems is its ability to camouflage itself, which is the tool it used to escape its enclosure in the beginning of the film. But why make a dinosaur that can do this at all? Isn't the whole point to have an awesome, scary dinosaur for people to come see? Why on Earth would you give it the ability to literally disappear? Sure, if you actually want it to hunt stuff, that comes in handy. But, Indominous was designed to be used as a sideshow. Not an actual predator. What if it decides to just sit in its enclosure, effectively invisible, all the time? Then you've wasted billions. That's just poor planning.


How do you let a new guy, apparently with no training, feed the raptors?

If you're running a dinosaur zoo filled with deadly animals, you'd want to be sure and keep your new hires away from the most dangerous exhibits, right? Not in Jurassic World, which sends a hapless goober plummeting into a raptor pit after he gets yanked off a bridge by a panicked pig. Admittedly, it sets up a cool scene in which Owen gets to come to his rescue, but why wouldn't the park have more stringent training for these guys? You're literally dealing with dinosaurs. Any Average Joe off the street can't just walk into a zoo and start feeding tigers and lions, so you'd think the requirements to interact with dangerous dinosaurs would be set a little higher.


How does Jurassic World not have better fences?

One of the most memorable visuals in the original Jurassic Park was the sprawling network of electric fences surrounding all the different enclosures. They didn't do much good when the power went off, but still, there seemed to be fences everywhere. With the park idea getting a reboot (literally and figuratively) in Jurassic World, you'd think they would've worked out the kinks with that system, right? In Jurassic World, there don't really seem to be that many fences (the only obvious one that plays a role is the one the boys ride through on their wild gyro-sphere adventure). So, if the idea is to build a bigger and better Jurassic Park, why doesn't World have 500-foot high fences that could contain these creatures through anything from a power failure to a full-on apocalypse?


Why didn't they check the Indominous rex's tracker before opening his enclosure?

This is just mind-bogglingly dumb. They have the most advanced tech on the planet in this park, and every dinosaur in the place is tagged with a tracking device. So when they spot the scratch marks on the wall of the Indominous rex's habitat, why don't they immediately just check the tracker to see if it's in there? The entire movie hinges on this monumentally dumb decision to have Owen (Chris Pratt) stroll on in and have a look around. He seems to have a pretty good view of the habitat from the observation deck, so why go in at all? And if the you think dinosaur is out, why isn't your first move to check the tracking device to see where it is? At that point, it doesn't matter how it got out—all that matters is finding it. Instead, they open the gate and inadvertently let it out, only checking the tracking device after they've left the barn door open. How are there not protocols in place for this?


Why didn't the gyro-sphere have automated controls for a disaster?

The introduction of the gyro-spheres to explore the park is very cool, and marks for a gorgeous, sci-fi-styled visual. So, seeing Gray (Ty Simpkins) and Zach (Nick Robinson) just take off and ride around the park looks fantastic. But, when all hell starts breaking loose, all they get is a warning to return to the park (via a wacky Jimmy Fallon video). Umm, if you're going to let people go ride around anywhere in a park full of dangerous dinosaurs, how do you not build automated controls into these things? If you can build a gyro-sphere, you can certainly build a gyro-sphere designed to automatically return to its base in the event of an emergency. There's a reason that guided tour in Jurassic Park kept things on rails: when you're dealing with dinosaurs, be sure to control as much of the audience experience as possible. Don't just let them go rogue on a hamster ball safari.


How, exactly, did the boys get that Jeep running?

While on the run from Indominous rex, Gray and Zack stumble upon the original Jurassic Park facility, which has pretty much been left abandoned for the past 20-odd years. As they're looking for a way to make it back to the main complex, they find an old Jurassic Park jeep left behind when the facility was abandoned, which they manage to get running fairly easily. Umm, what?


Look, there's no doubt Jeeps are tough vehicles, but if you leave one abandoned to the elements (that garage did not look to be in great shape) in a tropical environment, there's no way in hell that thing will crank without a mechanic pouring a few thousand bucks and a whole lot of time into it. Whatever gas they find out there would've gone bad years earlier, and the hoses and tires would've pretty much rotted completely off (we did mention it's tropical, right?). As for the repairs they make, anything they would've found in that garage to fix the Jeep with would've been just as old as the hardware on the vehicle, so that still wouldn't have worked. In a world where dinosaurs run loose, this is still dumb enough to leave you scratching your head.


Those flying dinosaurs would've totally reached the mainland, right?

One of the big action set pieces finds the dinosaurs getting loose and causing havoc all over Jurassic World. Dozens of people are seemingly killed in the climactic chaos of the big finale, as the flying dinosaurs swoop in and start picking off (and up) visitors in the main part of the park. We see guards shooting some of those flying dinosaurs, but there are a lot of them. So, you'd imagine at least some of them headed for the mainland, right? We've seen that happen before in previous Jurassic Park films, so why wouldn't at least some of these winged dinosaurs follow the same approach? The film never addresses it, but it's safe to assume those dinosaurs might still be feasting on hapless beachgoers.



This was one of the biggest stories surrounding the film. Claire (Bryce Dallas Howard) spends literally the entire story in a pair of high heels. She outruns a T-rex in heels. She searches the woods for her missing nephews in heels. Not that it's not cool to see a woman kicking butt in heels, but c'mon, it's not the most practical thing to wear, right? Heading into the upcoming sequel, it's something original director Colin Trevorrow (who is producing) plans to address head on. He jokingly tweeted a photo with several sensible pairs of boots and tagged Howard with a "see you soon" note. It's good to know Claire will be ready for action the next time those dinosaurs get loose.


Indominous rex's fleeting super-sense

The Indominous rex is created as an apex predator designed to put the T-rex to shame, in an effort to attract these jaded kids and millennials who are already bored with seeing lame, old regular dinosaurs. When they were putting together the secret sauce. they included elements from pretty much every awesome creature, and it features everything from camouflage to ultra-strong senses. We see this on display when Owen has to douse himself in gasoline to mask his scent early on, but later we see (just an example) Owen and Claire hiding behind a Jeep from Indominous with relative success. Umm, where were those super senses in these later scenes? If anything, they seem to appear and disappear as the plot demands.


Wait, why did the Mosasaurus wait until now to start eating people?

When all hell is breaking loose at the park, dinosaurs are snatching people up left and right. One of the wildest scenes was when the Mosasaurus leaped out of its tank and started snatching people up. But if the Mosasaurus could do this all along, what stopped it from eating its trainers for all these years? Or from just hopping out and snatching up a few hapless members of the audience during its afternoon show? It's a great shocking moment when it happens, but it makes you wonder why this hasn't happened before if it's this easy. Maybe the Mosasaurus is emboldened by all the other dinosaurs running loose? Yeah, we'll stick with that.


Dino-sized behavior inconsistencies

More than in the other Jurassic Park films, they really try to make some of the dinosaurs characters unto themselves in Jurassic World. Owen's raptor pack is named for colors, and after a while, you start to feel an affinity for "Blue." But a lot of the dinosaurs' behaviors can be a bit hard to follow—especially compared to how we've seen them behave in previous films.


First up, the raptors betray Owen and switch sides to the Indominous because they see him as more of an alpha, and because they can (apparently) communicate with him. But that's not really how pack animals work. Owen is the alpha, and Owen is still alive. Had the Indominous killed Owen? Sure, that would've made sense for them to jump ship. But, as it stands, it feels inconsistent. Also, the final fight that finds "Blue" and the T-rex taking on Indominous was obviously awesome. No doubt. But do you really think a raptor and T-rex would team up to kill another dinosaur, then just kind of shrug and be pals?

Umm, there's still a raptor, T-rex and some other dinosaurs on the loose, right?

We get the hopeful victory music, and our heroes are acting like they've won the day as the film starts to wrap up. But that "happy" ending isn't so happy, if you think about it. There's still an island full of loose dinosaurs (including a T-rex, raptor, a lot of flying dinosaurs, and others) to deal with. As previous Jurassic Park films showed, regular ol' dinosaurs can still be plenty dangerous. But instead of acknowledging the challenges that still lie ahead, everyone just seems pumped to have taken out Indominous rex.


Wait, are the kids' parents still getting divorced?

This really feels like a storyline that had a scene or two left on the cutting room floor. Gray and Zack spent part of the film dealing with the fact that their parents might get divorced, and we get some glimpses of that storyline in the beginning of the film. But then the dino-insanity kicks off, and we don't really know what happened. We see them understandably psyched to hug their kids once the disaster is over, but are they still splitting up? Did this near-death scare save their marriage? If anything, it seems like having mom and dad on the island, forced to work together to survive with their kids and finding their love again, might've made for a better storyline for these two, right? Why even introduce the divorce angle at all?


